The latest high-quality rollers and brushes to suit all painting application for professional and DIY users.
Polyamide Rollers
We conduct R&D to make sure our rollers are top of the line quality. Our rollers are lint free, have high absorption rates, have padded and thermal bonding structure, and improve the quality of the finished paint depending on your needs.
Hard Polyamide Roller
  • New developed lint free hard polyamide material.
  • High resistance to solvent with deep reaching function.
  • Suitable for exterior rough works.
  • Designed with both padded and thermal bonding structure.
number size piles
12-184818-72 18cm 18mm
12-184823-72 23cm 18mm
12-184825-72 25cm 18mm
12-184818-3 18cm 18mm
12-184825-3 25cm 18mm
Polyester Roller
  • Top quality polyester roller with an excellent absorption of paint.
  • Best for both indoor and rough works.
  • Thermal bonding structure.
number size piles
15-064818-72 18cm 18mm
15-064823-72 23cm 18mm
15-064825-72 25cm 18mm
15-064018-72 18cm 18mm
15-064023-72 23cm 18mm
Polyamid Based Microfiber Roller
  • Polyamid Based Microfiber Roller is a new generation of microfiber family.
  • Soft hair can improve the result of finishing process by the resistance of lint and scratch.
number size piles
10-014818-72 18cm 5mm
10-014823-72 23cm 5mm
10-014825-72 25cm 5mm
10-014018-72 18cm 5mm
10-014023-72 23cm 5mm
Lint Free Polyester Roller
  • Lint free polyester fabric.
  • High density increases rate of water absorption and improves efficiency of works.
  • 1-½” core diameter.
number size nap
15-193807-71 7” ½”
15-193809-71 9” ½”
15-193810-71 10” ½”
View Ambi Catalogue
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